Who We Are
The Nichols family founded Serendipity Farm with the passion to connect people to their food, their environment and each other. We are a small-scale family farm raising both heritage and conventional meat and produce, grown with respect for the Earth.
While each family member makes their own contributions to our eclectic farm (just as each of our animals and plants contribute in their own way) we are a woman-owned business that supports non-traditional farming communities and backgrounds in both our products and educational programs.
We hope as holders of green space in Little Rhody that we preserve and expand regenerative/restorative agricultural practices for generations to come. We participate in conservation programs with the National Resources Conservation Service and American Tree Farm System.
Our Vision
We all need food, but we are not all nourished. While we subscribe that there is no bad food, not all food is created equal in terms to how it support our mind/body/spirit and how it respects the Earth. The opportunity to experience your role in the food system is a part of the human society that few get to experience.
The beautiful cycle of the seasons connects us to the larger community and with those who have come before us. Both life and death, of both animals and plants, are part of the process that sustains our bodies, but our disconnection from this cycle has left our food experience lacking.
Events and Workshops
The calling to feed our neighbors is not a small undertaking, nor is it the path for all. Come experience farming for a day or an hour with one of our workshops or events. Our programs are rooted in inclusivity, with a desire to educate all people regardless of background or identity.